Why Us?
We are all investors here. That’s the Big Message. Our loose team of writers and researchers LOVE scouring financials, media, calling management teams, fact checking powerpoints… all to find the best investments for OUR money.
We have honed this strategy since March 2009 when I started the Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin (OGIB). Some of the most high profile institutional and commodity fund managers have been forced out of energy investing – but I have beat the energy index almost every year.
I say I’m lucky, and one reason is people want to work with me. I’ve attracted a great group of investors and we all work together generating investment ideas.
So it’s time to officially extend our reach into ALL investment sectors, and bring you our best ideas. We like cash flow, Free Cash Flow even more, and companies where management owns a lot of stock and hates issuing equity.
I have a seven figure portfolio on the line here – and that means I put my blood, sweat and tears into every idea. I don’t send out a stock pick to meet an editorial deadline – I send out a stock pick because I put my money into it and I believe the stock is going up!
With so much of my own money at stake you won’t ever find a newsletter writer more incentivized than me – and I believe that fact shows in my results.
The graph below details how my real money OGIB portfolio has performed over its first decade relative to the Energy Select SPDR ETF (XLE) that I have been competing against and also relative to the S&P 500.

The results speak for themselves.
The OGIB portfolio hasn’t just outperformed these two indices, it has massively outperformed both of them over this time period.
While energy focused hedge funds, mutual funds and newsletters have collapsed I haven’t just widely outperformed the energy sector… I’ve widely outperformed a raging bull market for the S&P 500.
And I’ve done it with one arm tied behind my back, by only investing in one of the worst sectors of the stock market!
I Can Do Even Better – And I Want You To Profit With Me
Outside of the energy however I have been finding even better ideas…
Niche companies in hot sectors that can generate big multiples… I’m looking to hit homeruns here.
I look to find and share stock ideas that retail investors rarely get to hear about. I’m talking about multi-bagger opportunities that are normally restricted to only insiders and secretive billion dollar plus hedge funds.
The network of contacts that I have built up over my 25-plus years in this business is my competitive edge here… this network is my inside track to finding opportunities that few retail investors ever sees until The Big Money has already been made.
We try to level the playing field, or at least move our subscribers up the information and investing food chain.
In our large cap stock picks, through Hedge Fund Heavyweights, we go deep undercover and delve into the secretive world of the top 30 hedge fund managers in the world – who are accessible only to the ultra-wealthy who get to enjoy the 20 percent plus annualized returns that these funds generate.
My team is going to parse through the filings that these secretive hedge funds are forced to begrudgingly make and steal only their very best ideas in real time. These are ideas that the retail investor would normally never be aware of.
I’m really excited about InvestingWhisperer. In our subscriber portfolio right now we have already found some Free Cash Flow machines that I think will make us A LOT of money.
Join us now at our low introductory rate – don’t miss our next stock pick!